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Goals and Aspirations

Goals and Aspirations

We believe we can make meaningful contributions to gender equality, clean water and sanitation, climate action and responsible consumption and production.

Creating Shared Value to Solve Global Challenges

An important lesson from our programs over the last decade is that we can only have the scale of positive impact we now seek when we align our commercial plans with what the world really needs.

So, sustainability is not a brake on our business – in fact quite the opposite – and our new strategy puts our brand and innovation teams to work to create shared value by solving global challenges.

The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals are now accepted as the best shared definition of what needs to be done over the next decade, and we have aligned our own goals with that framework.

Download our 2030 Goals and Ambitions infographic.
These memberships provide platforms for the company to learn and share information about sustainability and related issues.
Our assessment takes a systematic approach to consider the trends, risks, impacts and opportunities in our global operating environment.